sleep. (i know right?) lots of hugs and kisses from two precious little ones. spend some time in the sun have a Clamm family dinner at chipotle with the funniest sisters ever (if you're wanting to know just how this) also, sleep. :)
I'm excited to see my friends in Poland. I'm excited to see my future home (Madrid). I'm excited that I get to spend this week with friends, my mom and my team. and I'm excited to meet Baby Harmon when we come home.
10. it was sunny and warm 9. H's superhero pose 8. a nap snuggled up with my favorite little boy 7. meeting my mom and Blake for lunch 6. picking A up from school 5. family dinner at the grandparents 4. seeing the brother-cousins all week 3. reading outside & drinking toddy 2. my sisters 1. hugs and kisses
second post in a row that i mention Harry the truth is out there, i'm a Harry Potter dork. i also love to say to my roommate Bethany (or anyone else, but Beth in particular) "don't do that" for no reason. So needless to say i LOVE this picture. like a lot.
05 March 2010
the past three days we've attended a Spiritual Warfare Seminar at church which Blake immediately pointed out it's like our very own Defense Against the Dark Arts class. I mean really though. We even had a slide in the power point that, as Nikki pointed out, looked like Voldemort's profile while talking about evil. And although I MIGHT have been easily distracted today, its those moments (when i'm laughing and probably shouldn't be but can't stop) and those friends that make life great.