09 September 2011

Pasta and Pesto

If I had a euro for everytime one of us said: "When it's not so hot I will..." (bake, not sweat all the time, *actually* enjoy life outside the apartment, etc).... I would probably have a lot of euros. ANYWAY, Stacy's been wanting to try making homemade pasta (and pesto) for awhile now and since her cheese gal at the market returned from vacation... it was time. She was the pasta mastermind and I was her sous chef. Which basically meant I helped her with whatever she needed, took pictures and provided the entertainment... and was entertained. :)
Somewhere between the well of flour and egg and the sticky blob, somewhere in the "mutter mutter, exclamation, mutter mutter" she said "Maybe Germans shouldn't make noodles..."
But after 10 minutes of "enthusiastic kneading," it turned into beautiful dough.
Which was then "draped" over the couch so it could dry out a little.
(which I thought looked like Cassandra from Doctor Who)
Noodles! Now on to the pesto...
basil (freshly cut from Stack's balcony)
toasted almonds
freshly grated parmesan (by yours truly)
garlic, salt, pepper, olive oil...
Pasta, pesto and a lactaid! :) It was in-cre-di-ble.

1 comment:

  1. Yum that does look delicious. and fun. I may have to try that.
