30 May 2010


ok so i don't actually thing you need to smash your cell phone... but seriously, you can turn it off (along with the t.v.) or just leave it alone for a few hours.
i've tried to be more proactive about that, especially when i'm spending time with someone. it goes on vibrate and stays in my purse unless i actually need it.
it's started to become a pet peeve of mine when people are checking their phone non-stop instead of paying attention to the real live person they're with. it's like this subtle insult to them. we would never actually say it, and it's become unfortunately socially acceptable but we communicate this message that says "sorry, this text or facebook notification or email are more important than than you. plus you're boring me a little and i don't feel like putting forth the effort to have an undistracted conversation with you."
turn it off for awhile. i promise you won't regret it. pay attention to the people and life that's happening in front of you right now.


  1. I completely agree. If I ever do that, slap me and remind me that you are the most important person in the world at that moment.

  2. Ditto all good! I think you will like this article about it :http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/28/business/28corner.html?pagewanted=1
